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Smart Grid Communication

Current Research

On-Line Condition Monitoring of Smart Grid Devices
Present data refreshment rate of the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system of a power network is not fast enough to monitor the dynamic states of smart grid devices. A high speed data communication network can serve as a data transfer backbone for the monitoring and diagnosis of smart grid devices. Presently I am investigating a centralized and on-line monitoring technique of smart grid devices.

Development of Beam Forming Algorithm for Smart Antenna
The objective of this research is the development of beam forming algorithm of smart antenna for wireless applications. Array antenna technology with higher gain and lower side lobe level (SLL) is required in order to increase the coverage area of wireless communication, transmission bit rate and at the same time decrease the power consumption and interferences. Presently I am developing adaptive digital beam forming algorithms of smart antenna for UHF band and 60 GHz range signals.


EEE Admission

IEB Accreditation

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