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About IEEE IUB Student Branch
IEEE IUB Student Branch has been officially started its journey at IUB on October, 2011. Currently the branch has more than 150 student members and 15 full members.
Inaugural Ceremony
The Inaugural Session of the IEEE IUB University Student Branch was held on the 13th of October 2011 at the lecture theater of School of Engineering & Computer Science. The student branch was officially inaugurated amidst rounds of applause when Professor Aynal Haque, the then Chair of IEEE Bangladesh Section, Chief Guest of the event, launched the student branch at IUB. The Vice Chancellor of IUB was also present in the event. The branch has been organizing various events from then on including technical workshops, lectures, tours, documentary shows etc.

Executive Committees
Chair: Tazwar Moqsud Nizam (BSc EEE)
Vice Chair (Technical): Sabrine Islam Toma (BSc EEE)
Treasurer: Md. Mahmud Sazzad Mohiuddin (BSc EEE)
Vice Chair (Activities): Bushra Rahman (BSc EEE)
Secretary: Rubayet Faruki (BSc EEE)
Counselor: Dr. Md. Kafiul Islam
Mentor: Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzak
Chair: Anisha Mahinoor Ferdous (BSc EEE)
Vice Chair (Technical): Ashraful Islam (BSc EEE)
Treasurer: Flavian Aritra (BSc EEE)
Vice Chair (Activities): Laboni Sarker (BSc EEE)
Secretary: Md. Shaekh Zahab (BSc EEE)
Counselor: Dr. Md. Kafiul Islam
Mentor: Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Razzak
Chair: Mostafa Faruk Prince (BSc EEE)
Vice-Chair: Sadia Sobhan Misty (BSc EEE)
Secretary: Raihanul Karim Swapnil (BSc EEE)
Treasurer: Kashshaf Labeeb (BSc EEE)
Counselor: Dr. Mustafa Habib Chowdhury
Mentor: Dr. Md. Abdur Razzak
Chair: Rashid Ahmed Rifat (BSc EEE)
Vice-Chair: Amit Ishrat Jahan (BSc EEE)
Secretary: Nahid Ashraf (BSc EEE)
Treasurer: Pial Rahman (BSc EEE)
Counselor: Dr. Mustafa Habib Chowdhury
Mentor: Dr. Md. Abdur Razzak
Chair : Asif Hossain Anik (BSc EEE)
Vice Chair: Tasneem Jahan Himu (BSc EEE)
Secretary: Monir Hossain (BSc EEE)
Treasurer: Rimadun Nobi Sourav (BSc EEE)
Counselor: Dr. Mustafa Habib Chowdhury
Mentor: Dr. Md. Abdur Razzak
Chair : Rakin Sarder Arko (BSc EEE)
Vice Chair: Tanvin Akter (BSc EEE)
Secretary: Dost Mohammad Shikder (BSc EEE)
Treasurer: Md. Mamun Hossain (BSc EEE)
Counselor: Dr. Mustafa Habib Chowdhury
Mentor: Dr. Md. Abdur Razzak
Chair : Redwanul Haque (BSc EEE)
Vice Chair: Mumtahna Mou (BSc EEE)
Secretary: Mustafizur Rahman Masud (BSc EEE)
Treasurer: Sabuj Roy (BSc EEE)
Counselor: Dr. Md. Abdur Razzak
Chair : Sarwar Shahidi (MSc ETE)
Vice Chair: Md. Maruf Islam (BSc EEE)
Secretary: Khandaker Mohyeminul Islam (BSc EEE)
Treasurer: Muhammad Shahin Miah (BSc EEE)
Counselor: Dr. Md. Abdur Razzak
Chair: Mr. Md. Jahangir Alam (BSc EEE)
Vice Chair: Ms. Saila Ishrat Annie (BSc EEE)
Secretary: Mr. S. M. Kaisan Azam (BSc EEE)
Treasurer: Mr. Md. Arif Shahrear Khan (BSc EEE)
Counselor: Dr. Md. Abdur Razzak
Chair: Mahtab Murshed (ID: 0920615), (BSc EEE)
Vice Chair: Fauzia Haque Shorna (ID: 1020542), (BSc EEE)
Secretary: Tahzeeb Shawkat Ali (Nabil) (ID: 1020413), (BSc EEE)
Treasurer: Md. Jonaid Hossen (ID: 1020425), (BSc EEE)
Counselor: Dr. Feroz Ahmed
Chair: Mr. Md. Rakibul Alam (BSc CSE)
Vice Chair: Ms. Nishat Sultana Toni (BSc EEE)
Secretary: Ms. Sanjana Venus (BSc EEE)
Treasurer: Mr. Md. Baharuzzaman Rony (BSc EEE)
Counselor: Dr. Md. Abdur Razzak
Society Chapters @ IEEE IUB Student Branch
Events of IEEE IUB Student Branch
- IEEE IUB Student Branch WIE Affinity Group hosts a seminar on Women for Life
- A Seminar on Scientific Problem Solving and Opportunity to Work with NASA held at IUB
- EEE Day 2019 observed at IUB
- A Seminar on Empowering Hi-Tech Economy in Bangladesh: Role of Establishing a Microelectronic VLSI Design Center
- IEEE Computer Society IUB Student Branch Chapter receives the best chapter award
- A seminar on Hardware Development for AI/Deep-Neural Computation held at EEE department
- Career Meet Up @ Dhaka held at IUB
- Workshop on Substation Design & Simulation held at EEE department
- Seminar on PLC, Industrial Automation and Career Development held at IUB
- Seminar on Preparing for Self-Assessment and Peer Evaluation held at SECS
- Seminar on the impact of the electric vehicles on electricity demand and distribution held at IUB
- IEEE IUB SB wins the Best Student Branch Award - Honorable Mention
- EEE Students visit Khulna Shipyard and Orion Power Rupsha
- Workshop on Demystifying Nuclear Power held at IUB
- Inauguration of IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter IUB
- IEEE Day 2018 observed at IUB
- Inauguration of IEEE IUB Student Branch WIE Affinity Group
- Makers' Mania 2018 held at IUB
- EEE Students visit Summit Mehnaghat Power Plant
- IEEE SS12 Innovation Challenge and Maker Fair 2018 held at IUB
- Seminar on Cyber Awareness
- 'Brain Engineering' Seminar at IUB
- EEE Freshers’ Day and Annual Iftar 2018
- IUB Celebrates Arduino Day 2018
- EEE Day 2018 observed at IUB
- CTO of ME SOLshare visits GERC at IUB
- IRC Workshop on Obstacle Avoiding Robot
- IUB Robotics Club’s maiden Workshop
- IUB EEE students visit DPDC grid substation
- IUB’s EEE Head talks at the Power Buzz 2018
- Seminar on Deep-UV Light for Disinfection Applications: Challenges and Solutions
- Seminar on Microgrid-Based Power System and Contemporary Nanotechnology
- Mentor of IEEE IUB SB speaks at the 5th IEEE BDS SYW Congress
- Mentor of IEEE IUB SB speaks at RUET
- EEE Students visit Ghorashal Fertilizer Factory
- Workshop on COMSOL Multiphysics
- IEEE Day 2017 observed at IUB
- Workshop on Planning, Conducting, Reporting and Defending a Dissertation Research Project
- Workshop on Printed Circuit Board Designing
- Workshop on Software Defined Radio
- Mentor of IEEE IUB SB Speaks at East West University
- President of IEEE Power & Energy Society Speaks at IUB
- EEE Day 2017 Observed
- EEE Students visit Kaptai-Hydro Power Station
- EEE students visit Ashuganj Power Station
- EEE department hosts a seminar on "Advanced Sensors and Instrumentations"
- EEE department hosts a seminar on the Security of Emerging Smart Grids
- EEE Department hosts a seminar on “Energy Management for Residential Microgrids”
- EEE department hosts a seminar on Motion Interpretation - Virtual Music Instrument as Examples
- EEE department hosts a seminar on SPICE for circuits and electronics
- Mentor of IEEE IUB SB Speaks at Deakin University, Australia
- Past Chair of IEEE IUB SB Places in Finals of the 16th APICTA Awards 2016 held in Taiwan
- IEEE IUB Sb's Branch Counselor Wins the Best Presentation Award in ICSET held in Vietnam
- IEEE IUB SB participates IEEE BDS SYPW Congress 2016
- IUB's NAO Robot Greets PM at Digital World 2016
- IEEE Day 2016 observed at IUB
- EEE department hosts an interactive Workshop on Career Development with IEEE, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- IEEE IUB SB Participates in IEEE SAC Chairs, Counselors and Mentors Meet Held at BUET
- EEE Department hosts a Seminar on "Brain Machine Interface"
- Workshop on PSPICE, PSIM and MATLAB
- IEEE IUB Student Branch Attends the IEEE Region 10 Congress 2016 in India
- IEEE IAS Chapter of IUB organizes 2nd Intra-IUB Robotics Competition
- EEE department hosts a seminar on Substrate Dependent High-Field Transport and Self-Heating in Graphene Transistors
- EEE department hosts a seminar on Wave Propagation in Nonlinear Photonic Devices
- EEE Anuual Iftar Gathering 2016
- EEE Students visit Ghorashal Thermal Power Plant
- EEE department hosts a seminar on Cost Effective Distributed Architecture for Content Delivery and Exchange
- Workshop on AutoCAD
- EEE Department Holds a Seminar on RFID Tag Asssisted Surgery Support System
- Grand Opening of IEEE IUB IAS Chapter
- Introduction of “NAO” at IUB: The First Andro-Humanoid Robot in Bangladesh
- IEEE IAS Chapter of IUB organizes Intra-IUB Robotics Competition
- EEE Students Visit Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission in Savar
- EEE Students Visit Liberty Knitwear Ltd in Gazipur
- Seminar on Space Engineering Research and Education held at IUB
- National Project Competition on Green Energy and Technology concludes at IUB
- IEEE IUB Student Branch Participates in IEEE SB Ex-Com Summit 2016
- EEE Day 2016 observed at IUB
- Workshop on Robotics held at EEE Department
- EEE Students Visit 170 MW Power Plant in Sylhet
- Workshop on PSPICE and MATLAB held at EEE Department
- Workshop on PSPICE and PSIM held at EEE Department
- Workshop on Effects of EMF Radiation on Human Kind
- EEE Students Visit Energypac® Electronics Industry in Gazipur
- IEEE Day 2015 Observed at IUB
- Workshop on MATLAB and SIMULINK held at EEE Department
- EEE Students Visit Kaptai Hydro-Power Station and Cox's Bazar Submarine Cable Landing Station
- Renowned Professor Dr. M. H. Rashid Speaks at IUB on Professional Ethics
- Workshop on PSPICE, PSIM and MATLAB held at EEE Department
- Seminar on Cognitive Radio held at EEE Department
- CEO of Energypac Electronics Ltd. Speaks at IUB
- IEEE IUB SB's Branch Counselor Receives the Best Paper Award
- EEE Day observed at IUB
- IEEE Region-10 (Asia-Pacific) Members Speak at IUB
- Seminar on New Frontiers of Wireless Telecom: 4G LTE and Beyond held at EEE Department
- EEE Students Visit Energypac® Transformers Plant in Gazipur
- IEEE Day 2014 Observed at IUB
- Workshop on PSPICE, PSIM and MATLAB held at EEE Department
- Workshop on Industrial Automation & Control Using PLC held at EEE Department
- Seminar on Nano Technology held at EEE Department
- Workshop on MATLAB & PSIM held at EEE Department
- Seminar on Single Feed Planar Atenna for Mobile Communication held at EEE Department
- SECS hold a seminar on Current Telecommunication Industrial Trend and Expectation from Educational Institutes
- Workshop on Computer Networks held at EEE Department
- Seminar on Future Prospects of Energy Field of Study held at EEE Department
- SECS Hosts Particle Physics Seminar
- EEE Students visited Switchgear and Protection Lab at IUT
- EEE Students Visit Summit Purbanchal Power Plant
- IEEE IUB Student Branch Members Visit Energypac® Electronics
- Seminar on Art of Data Mining Held at EEE Department
- Seminar on Professional Ethics Held at SECS
About IEEE
IEEE, an association dedicated to advancing innovation and technological excellence for the benefit of humanity, is the world's largest technical professional society. It is designed to serve professionals involved in all aspects of the electrical, electronic and computing fields and related areas of science and technology that underlie modern civilization.
IEEE Quick Facts
- more than 400,000 members in more than 160 countries; more than 50 percent of whom are from outside the United States;
- more than 107,000 student members;
- 333 sections in 10 geographic regions worldwide;
- 2,110 chapters that unite local members with similar technical interests;
- 2,173 student branches at colleges and universities in 80 countries;
- 585 student branch chapters of IEEE technical societies;
- 38 societies and 7 technical councils representing the wide range of IEEE technical interests;
- more than 1,500 standards and projects under development;
- publishes more than 148 transactions, journals and magazines;
- sponsors more than 1,300 conferences in 81 countries while:
- partnering with more than 1,100 non-IEEE entities globally;
- attracting more than 387,000 conference attendees; and
- Publishing more than 1,300 conference proceedings via IEEE Xplore.
IEEE's core purpose is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.
IEEE will be essential to the global technical community and to technical professionals everywhere, and be universally recognized for the contributions of technology and of technical professionals in improving global conditions.