About › SETS
The School of Engineering, Technology & Sciences (SETS) is one of the Six Schools of Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB). SETS, the 2nd largest school of IUB, offers you one of the most qualified and dedicated group of faculty members. All classes are taken by full-time faculty members; though in many higher classes experts from industries are brought in to give the real-life perspectives. There are over 35 full-time faculty members in the school with more than 20 faculty members having doctoral degree from North America, Australia and Japan, which make SETS a place of research and learning. SETS offers seven undergraduate and five graduate programs. With a coagulation of highly qualified faculty members, SETS is also building itself as a center for innovative research.

Currently the School of Engineering, Technology & Sciences (SETS) offers undergraduate programs in five majors and graduate programs in seven majors through three departments:
- Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
- Department of Computer Science & Engineering
- Department of Physical Sciences