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Power System Stability and Control
Current Research
Model Predictive Unified Power Flow Controller
Model predictive controller (MPC) is an effective solution for improving the oscillations in a single machine infinite bus (SMIB) power system connected with a FACTS device named unified power flow controller (UPFC). UPFC is mainly used in the transmission systems which can control the power flow by controlling the voltage magnitude, phase angle and impedance. Linearized model of UPFC connected with SMIB system can be modeled by five state equations. System oscillations of the plant are attempted to be controlled with power system stabilizer (PSS) and proportional integral (PI) controller. MPC was introduced to damp out the oscillations to improve the performances those of obtained using PSS and PI controller. As a controller, MPC not only provides the optimal control inputs, but also predicts the system model outputs to reach the desired goal. So, model predictive unified power flow controller (MPUPFC), a combination of UPFC and MPC along with proper system model parameters can provide a satisfactory performance in damping out the system oscillations in order to obtain a stable system.

Dr. ShahriarKhan

Md. Shoaib Shahriar