

We are seeking highly creative and motivated Reseacrh Assistants at graduate and undergraduate levels to join our research group in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB). Interestded Candidate who meet the requirements are highly encouraged to apply.
# Strong Background in AI, ML, DL.
# Familiarity with PPG signal Processing
# Ability to write robust code in python
# Ability to Multitask and work in a Team
Send your CV/ Resume by 25 January 2022 through email to fahmed@iub.edu.bd.


Applied Electromagnetics Research Group (AERG) is a significant part of innovative and productive research works of Department of EEE, IUB. All the members including faculty and students are working together to explore solutions of current and future concerns related to applied electromagnetics topics. That will help to create better photonic optical sensors to detect harmful biological and chemical agents; better photonic filter to function efficiently; ultra wide band antennas for smart-phone applications; low cost compact meta-material antennas in the purpose of making biomedical sensors such as noninvasive glucose sensor etc.


Applied Electromagnetics Research Group (AERG) is a significant part of innovative and productive research works of Department of EEE, IUB. All the members including faculty and students are working together to explore solutions of current and future concerns related to applied electromagnetics topics. That will help to create better photonic optical sensors to detect harmful biological and chemical agents; better photonic filter to function efficiently; ultra wide band antennas for smart-phone applications; low cost compact meta-material antennas in the purpose of making biomedical sensors such as noninvasive glucose sensor etc.