
Applied Electromagnetics Research Group (AERG) is a significant part of innovative and productive research works of Department of EEE, IUB. All the members including faculty and students are working together to explore solutions of current and future concerns related to applied electromagnetics topics. Research Assistants/Associates are Academic Student Employees (ASEs) hired by faculty to assist in carrying out a particular research agenda. The payroll title for such employees varies from Research Assistant, Research Associate and Research Engineer.Publishing an article on photonics helps also students to connect with professors and researchers, for providing new opportunities and collaboration which help in future study. Moreover publishing papers/projects will provide a level of professionalization to a resume which many undergraduates do not have. That will help to create better photonic optical sensors to detect harmful biological and chemical agents; better photonic filter to function efficiently; ultra wide band antennas for smart-phone applications; low cost compact meta-material antennas in the purpose of making biomedical sensors such as noninvasive glucose sensor etc. Research programs are conducted across a wide array of topics in Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF) Based Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Sensor; PCF based SPR Filters, Antennas and propagation, Meta-material Antennas, Microwave sensing, Microwave Imaging. All the research works are firstly designed and simulated by necessary professional licensed software like COMSOL (for photonics); CST (for Antennas) using Finite Element Method (FEM) and after analyzing the performance they are proposed for fabrication to conduct real life experiments. Visit our research section to learn more about our research programs and current projects.